Saturday, December 18, 2010

an update

Hello friends and family,

I wanted to tell you how things have been lately. Things, as always, have been good and bad at the same time.

The good: I'm still signed up for classes, and although I will probably drop one because I don't think my heart could handle full-time classes, it looks like I will try to go. I went to Mayo and they did a certain kind of test where they look inside me for anything wrong with a camera on a rope! It wasn't terribly pleasant, but it only hurt a bit and I'm not traumatized, so yay! They didn't see anything, so that's good too. I've been feeling alright lately, as long as I only do one thing a day and give myself time to rest.

The not as good: I am a bit frustrated that the docs down at mayo don't have more options for me. I was actually hoping the test would show something so I could get going on being better. But as it turns out, they don't know why it's happening and they don't have a non-invasive way to fix it. This makes me sad sometimes, because I wish there was some treatment we could at least attempt so I would feel like we are doing something.

Another not as good thing is that I'm still having trouble gaining weight. This is one of the most frustrating parts because I try so hard, but usually it's one step forward and two steps back. I'm scared I will diminish into nothing before they can figure out why nothing sticks to me! :-/ I had to buy my first pair of 00 jeans the other day (and while they were a great deal and are really nice) there were a lot of tears because I can't believe it's come to this.

I think that's all the happy-crappies I have for now ;-)

I go back to mayo on January 13th to see the neurologist and hopefully I can address these concerns with him. He's really nice!

And just in case you're praying about these things, you can pray also for my family in Georgia. Things are like crazy-town down there, as my grandmother and step-grandmother both have cancer and are going through treatment. Grandma Ann is having some REALLY annoying difficulties with medical errors after her surgery, and Grandmother will have her surgery soon after Christmas. My dad will fly down to help them out for a few days.

Thanks for checking back with me!

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