Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hi friends!

Things here are going alright. I like being home still and I know it was the right choice. I am going to a fun new church with my dear friend Natalie and that's always wonderful. The preacher's awesome and they are loving and warm as a church family.

I guess there's nothing terribly new to note... I'm still trying to get better but I can't seem to do it! :) I was superuberfreakin sick for the last two weeks, like a zillion times worse than before, but I'm pretty sure it's a new medication they gave me causing the problem. I stopped taking it and started a new one and things are not awesome but they are much more tolerable most of the time.

I met with a new doc and he didn't know anything about POTS so he wasn't very helpful. And because I had insane insomnia from that medication I hadn't slept in like two weeks and I kinda freaked out at him. So he decided to put me of the medicine that I asked him to put me on and it was a bit disappointing because I wanted to see him so I could be careful about taking it, but he didn't seem to even think twice.

Counseling has been great of course! I like the new lady! And all the other things I have done to help are maybe helping? I can't really tell. But whatever I guess! We'll see! As long as I never have to take Tramadol again, I'm good. That stuff is straight up poison. Yuck.

I've been wanting to get out to EC soon, but I haven't been able to because I was too sick to go anywhere and I didn't want to be stranded in Eau Claire if I needed my doctors.

Anyways. Things are... welll..... they just are.

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